Karnack ISD Home

We Are Karnack!

Welcome to Karnack Independent School District, serving families in the historic Caddo Lake community! Thank you for visiting our website! If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to call us at 903.679.3117. Thank you and Go Indians!

Recent News

10-23-24 October Heroes

October Heroes Recognized

Congratulations to all of our KISD students and staff who were honored during the October meeting of the KISD Board of Trustees!


Winter Break

Location: Karnack ISD, 655 Fason St, Karnack, TX 75661, USA

Winter Break

Location: Karnack ISD, 655 Fason St, Karnack, TX 75661, USA

Meet Our Superintendent

Welcome to Karnack ISD!

WE ARE more than just a school district!

WE ARE a community committed to growth, learning, and achievement!