
Student Dress Code

Dress CodeKarnack ISD’s dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student will be given appropriate attire, if available, or a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. All areas of student dress and rapidly changing styles cannot be covered in this document. The specific areas addressed are expressly forbidden and those areas not mentioned remain at the review and discretion of the campus principal. The decisions of the campus principal are final and cannot be appealed.

The student and parent may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards, provided that the following general guidelines are met:

1. Extreme styles in dress or grooming or actions of students shall not lead school officials reasonably to believe that a student's dress or grooming will disrupt the normal school procedure.

2. Dress or grooming shall not create a health or other hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others. Students shall follow appropriate personal hygiene practices relative to body and clothing cleanliness.

3. Clothing shall fit properly, be in good repair, and not be made of spandex or similar material. Bicycle shorts and other such attire are prohibited. Leggings made of cotton/spandex/extremely tight fitted blue-jean material must all be worn with a shirt that is no shorter than 6 inches above the knee. All shirts must completely cover the rear end of the student. Shirts that do not cover rear ends will be charged, if available or parents/guardians will be required to bring replacement attire.)

4. Students may not wear low cut shirts, tank-tops, spaghetti straps, shoulder straps must be at least two inches wide, racer-back or strapless clothing, clothing that exposes bare mid-drifts, excessively torn clothing. Students will not be permitted to wear extremely low cut shirts or blouses, half shirts that expose a bare midriff when raising your arms over your head, halter tops, backless/strapless tops, open side garments, fish net, mesh, or see through materials.

5. Shorts and skirt length may be no more than four (4) inches from the floor when kneeling. Anything exceeding the four (4) inches will be deemed inappropriate. Final discretion will be the decision of the campus principal. In grades 6-8 athletic and walking shorts may be worn in Athletics provided they still follow the 4 inch rule.

6. Students must have appropriate coverage when wearing leggings, tights or spandex pants. Sweat pants or wind pants of any kind are prohibited. Holes in jeans must not be higher than 4 inches above the knee unless the student wears tights under the jeans so that skin above the knee is not exposed. Tights are required under all ripped jeans.

7. Appropriate undergarments must be worn at all times. Undergarments shall not be seen outside or through the clothing. Pajamas or attire that imitates sleepwear or loungewear are not to be worn to school except on special days.

8. Sagging pants or baggy clothing may not be worn.

9. Advertising of alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco, derogatory, racial, vulgar, obscene or questionable printing or pictures on clothing or caps is not allowed.

10. Proper shoes shall be worn to school. No bare feet, house shoes, slides, or flip flops will be allowed. ALL students will be going to PE and therefore should wear rubber soled tennis shoes.

11.Caps, hats, hoods, bandanas, and sunglasses may not be worn inside the building except on “special days” as designated by the administration. Caps, hats, bandanas, and sunglasses must remain in the backpack until the end of school.

12. Hair shall be worn clean, neatly groomed, and trimmed.

All students will be expected to conform to the dress code as outlined in this handbook at school and school related activities. If the principal determines that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student will be given appropriate attire, if available, or a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school.

Repeated offenses may result in more serious disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
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